What is Narcissism?

 What is narcissism? Well, by definition it is selfishness, involving a sense of entitlement, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration, as characterizing a personality type. However, the definition is not nearly showing how dangerous an individual who is narcissistic really is. So let me give you my added definition of what a narcissist is. This is an individual who is self-entitled meaning everything is about them, everything revolves around them, and they only do things for you if it benefits them. They lack empathy, these individuals, and believe me when I say that I would love to call them something far worse but for the sake of my readers, I will keep my bad words to myself. 

Well, let me get back to it. They lack empathy. They could care less about what you may be going through or dealing with, they actually like to see people upset or hurt. It does not matter if they hurt your feelings, made you feel bad, disrespect you, they will not feel bad for causing you pain or seeing you in pain. The narcissist I was with for 17 years would repeat the same behaviors that hurt me, would pretend to apologize but it never stopped him from continuing to hurt me. Another big sign of a narcissist is they lack boundaries. They do not respect if you tell them to not come to your house, or not to call your phone, or call before they come to your house. As I said it is all about them, you and your rules mean nothing to them. This is all I will post for now but there is so much more and I hope what I have shared has you thinking about who is the narcissist in your life. Peace and blessings friends!
